Looking For Information
Can you post a link to our Class of 1998 Reunion for me? You can also have interested people email me at
gbhsclassof98reunion@hotmail.com (Kevin McNeil) or call me at (757) 717.2662.
Hi I graduated from GB in ’98 and am hoping to obtain information about the 10 year reunion.
Melissa (Morgan) Hawkins
Hi, I graduated from GBH in 98 and am looking for reunion info. I know the beginning stages of planning was in the works,
but I never heard anything after that, and it’s now July. I’m hoping I didn’t miss it. I can be reached at
jenniferlynnadams@gmail.com. Thanks!
Jennifer Adams
Hi Bryan,
I need some assistance…I’m GBHS class of 1998….so as you can see, this year is my 10th year anniversary. Do you know
whom it is that I need to contact about reunion info? I’m a little nervous that I am the one who is supposed to be
making it happen…yikes!
Erin Linder Hildreth
Education Manager
HIDA Educational Foundation
Hi, my name is Leslie Morrow and have written you before on the Great Bridge Alumni website. I was on the MySpace website for GB, and saw news of Brian Lindgren's death. Could someone please forward info on the cause, b/c I knew him from high school and met up with him again afterwards and had nothing but fun. This comes as a shock to me! Thanks, Leslie
I am a Great Bridge High School alumni from the class of 1998. Was just wondering how I could get
on the mailing list to keep up with information on class reunions?
Beth Hartley
Hello all, this is Faith again c/o 1998. Alot of us have profiles and communicate through myspace. I just wanted to let all of you know.
I attended Great Bridge for 2 years and like looking at this website. I did graduate from
Hickory High School though in the class of 1998. Any word on a website for that school? Any
connection would be appreciated. Email me here or at ka_overman@hotmail.com
Kari-An Overman (Maiden name GIBBS)
Hi, I am Leslie Morrow, c/o 98..and was shocked when I read the news about Johnny Lee Hall, Jr....do you have access to the info on what happened to him? I knew him from the 6th grade at Crestwood Middleschool, then we saw each other in the halls of GB high. I wasn't close buddies with him, but we'd talk sometimes and i remember he always had a big smile on his face and was soo funny. Any info provided would be much obliged. Thank you!~ Leslie
Im Phillip Graham I graduated in 98 and I moved away from the city cue to miltary. I have been in the marines for 7 years now. I have been to war twice and im sening you this email from Iraq as we speak. I just want to see when the class reuinion will be for my class. And if i could get on the list. Thanks and email me back if you get this.
I came across the greatbridgehigh.com website, and I was wondering if you could add class of 1998.
My name in high school was Faith Wood, but I have since married. My new last name is Neuhaus. My
email address is cantadabard@yahoo.com.
Thanks, Faith