Looking For Information
The class of 1996 is in the beginning stages of planning a 20 reunion for next year with the possibility of including
the classes of 1993-1997. We are collecting information from interested graduates via: http://goo.gl/forms/tujUcSivtm
Class of 1996 can also request to join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653569268218099/
Questions can also be sent to gbhs1996@hotmail.com
Thank you for all that you do,
Tonya Holmes
Feel free to pass it along to others!
I have been searching for my son for years and am hoping you can assist me in finding him. He left our family when he was 16 and
has kept in contact with his friend Brant Powell over the years. Brant has been a loyal friend and has not disclosed Billy’s location
to anyone in the family. I don’t know if you can help but any information would be appreciated. Billy was very active in the Drama
Department under Mr. Jacobs. He should have graduated in 96. I would really appreciate hearing from you. You can e-mail me at
Ladybug4305@cox.net. Thank you for your time.
Deborah Thomson
Hi Bryan,
My husband, Joseph L. King c/o 1996, was killed in a car accident on Sunday, September, 21, 2008 in Phoenix, AZ. He leaves
behind our two beautiful daughters and numerous family and friends. He was loved by all who knew him and touch many lives in
his 30 years. He will be missed by all who knew him, if anyone would like to send condolences they may do so by going to
www.grahamfuneralhome.com. I have attached a picture for your use as well.
Michelle N. King c/o 2000
The Reunion Committee is currently collecting contact information via
gbhs1996@hotmail.com or
gbclassof96@hotmail.com and updates are also posted on
Click here for Reunion Updates and a message board/guestbook.
Class of 1996 Reunion will be 7 pm Friday October 21, 2005 during the Homecoming Game. Please go
the the Alumni tent for more information that night. Word is we will be going to AJ Gators in
Cedar Rd. after the game. GBHS will be playing against Nasemond River High.
Hey guys, it's your class clown A.K.A. Jim Turner. What's new out there in the world? I now live in Pittsburgh, PA with my domestic partner of 6 years and our son Jay( who turns 2 on my next birthday). I'm currently attending trade school to become an electrician and I am the assistant childrens librarian at the Carnegie Library of Homestead.Feel free to e-mail me at jimsgreensweater@hotmail.com or keep updated with me at www.friendster.com. Hope to hear from yall.
I'm Megan Hasting, class of 96. I currently live in Deep Creek with my husband of 3.5 years and
our 3 month old identical twin boys. I have a degree in archaeology and am currently working on
my master's. I am a professional belly dancer and also teach belly dance & folk dance. My website
is http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1jwrf/.
Angielic "Angie" Smith-- class of 1996
Some people called me Angie or Angielic. My brother was in the same class-- His name is Wayne
Smith. We didn't really look alike, so many people never knew we were brother and sister. Back
then, I dated Jason Byrum. He was on the wrestling team. I wouldn't say that I was glued to any
one person, except Jason, but I did have many friends. I'd like to hear from all those that knew
me well or in passing.
Briefly about myself:
I'm currently living in Dallas, Texas. I have a domestic partner that I've been with for quite
some time. We have an 18 month old daughter and are expecting another child in the spring. I work
with animals for a living, but enjoy being a Mommy, most of all! After graduation from Great
Bridge, I lived in New York for a few years, where I briefly attended college and persued music.
I performed in an off-Broadway production, while working as a studio singer. Eventually, I was
signed with a girl group to a major label deal that didn't end up going very far. Our first and
only cheesy single is on the first "Stuart Little" soundtrack. Anyway, I met my partner in New
York and the rest is history. We moved to Atlanta, briefly, but then came to Dallas where we have
settled. I haven't been back to Virgina very often, over the years, but my thoughts and prayers
remain with all those that I went to school with and befriended. My current email address is
Hi, my name is Christy Morris. I am looking for my friends from High School. I moved my senior
year to Florida and since then have lost touch with my closest friends and I want to know what
they are up to now. I'm now living in Kentucky. I finally went back to school to get my bachelors.
If anyone knows where I can find Amy Bolling, Kim Burnop, or Briton Watkins (now Briton Diaz) let
me know. If anyone else remembers me just drop me a line I'd love to hear from you all. My email
address is Sweetheart5978@comcast.net
Thanks, Christy Morris
My name is Misty Davis Adams and I was just wondering where the class of 96 is on your list??