Welcome Great Bridge High School Wildcats

Welcome Great Bridge High School Class of 1990

Looking For Information

Hi Bryan,
What a great site you have! It made me smile and then cry. I am stunned to see some of the names of people who had passed away since we have graduated. It always seemed like we were invincible, but with age I see that we are all human.
I am writing to ask if you have any information about the 20 year reunion (GOD It's been almost 20 years!)? I have moved several times, and I don't think that the planning committee would know how to contact me. I would love to come back and see some of the folks that I graduated with. I have met a few folks through "myspace" and I was amazed by how much people have changed. I don't really mean in appearance (even though we all are a bit older) but I mean, it seems that we are (for the most part) all more mature and kinder people.
I was a fat kid, and I had a bit of a hard time with some of the folks in school. Imagine being a fat kid and having a name that rhymes with Jolly. High school was not always easy for me, but for the most part, I carry fond memories, good times and great friends. Anyhow, that was then, and we all change and grow, and most of the folks that I have run across, who may have been just a passing acquaintance, seem genuinely happy to see me. Now that we all have lives and kids, jobs and mortgages, time has soften the memories and hopefully our hearts. I want to go to the reunion to see old friends, make new one's, heal old hurts and dust off some of the wonderful memories that I hold dear and share them with the folks who would like to share them with me.
I so look forward to seeing everyone and I hope that someone may know some information about the reunion (if there is one?)
Thanks so much!
Holly M. (Smith) Emerson

Hey Bryan! I just checked out your site for the first time. The posting I saw from Angelika for the Class of 1990 struck me. I was SCA President that year and was fortunate to serve with Julie. We were a pretty close group back then. And Angelika is correct, Julie did pass away on Nov 30, 1989. Every Christmas I hang an ornament on my tree in her honor...it's a simple miniature version of a cookie tin with a read ribbon that allows for hanging. Inside I keep her Senior picture, a dried rose and a date record stating that Julie Marie Snyder was born on October 27, 1972 and died on November 30, 1989. Thanks for remembering her Angelika...and Bryan...please include her among our Classmate roster.
Erika Phoebus
Class of 1990

Dear Bryan,
I am writing to you from Germany. I spend my senior year at GBHS/Class of 90. I arrived in August 1989 together with 2 other exchange students.
As far as I remember it was on November 30, 1989 when Julie Marie Snyder (SCA Parliamentarian 12; Causeway Layout Edition 12; Happy Club) CLASS OF 1990 passed away during her senior year.
Maybe there is anyone out there you knows details…and who can confirm this information.
I haven’t really known her very well but she was a good friend of my host sister Carolyn Kaul. I really think Julie deserves to be added to your chart.
Take care of you and GOD BLESS,
Angelika Gauger (Rempfer)