Looking For Information
I have a question that I want to keep anonymous. We have a classmate from the class of 79 that is need of our help. This person is fighting cancer and the state
has dropped their medical insurance. Their spouse lost their job taking this person back and forth for treatments, so they no longer have insurance. They have a child
together that is rather young and living at home. One has two other children that they have to pay child support for. I was looking for ways for our great school to have
a fundraiser for this person and help them out. They had to postpone having a scan to see where the cancer stands now because it costs over $7000 just for the scan.
That does not include the chemo and radiation. Great Bridge High School has always been a tight knit community. Do you have any suggestions on where I can go to find
some relief for her and her family? There is a 2 year wait on Medicare and this person cannot afford to wait 2 years.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey Bryan you are doing such a GREAT service to Great Bridge
I was wondering if anyone has any contact info for Robin Wood Class of 79? Last I heard from her she lived in or near Jacksonville FL My Email JLMorrisandAssoc@aol.com
James Morris
Dear Bryan:
My brother, Mike, was a member of the Class of '79 at Great Bridge High School. He's asked me to post a message at your web site.
If possible, could you post the following:
Time switched sides on me in 1985. It wasn't a coincidence that Karma caught up with me at the same time. Lesson learned: bank
robbery is a horrible career choice. So here I sit not enjoying the last 26 consecutive years I've spent in prison. I do, however,
have fond memories of Great Bridge and the many wonderful people I was privileged to have known. I also have some interesting
stories of Great Bridge, its alumni, and far beyond. I would love to hear from anyone I once knew. Unfortunately, I can't
have e-mail in this prison. My address is Michael A. King #608775, EJSP, Lockbag R, Rahway, NJ 07065.
Thank you, Bryan!
Debbie Dunn
My name is Doni Masters Riley (went by Donna in school) I would love to hear from any classmates of mine from classes of '79 thru '81. A few in particular are Leslie Foutz Waller Williams (class of '79 and Annette Walsh Mills (class of '81) and Linda Lovelace (class of "80 I think). My email is countrygirlforever1961@yahoo.com or medic4life4you@yahoo.com. I have a Myspace site at www.myspace.com/Medic4Life if you'd like to join my friends list.
Hi! My name is Cheryl Robinson and I was wondering if you had any info on the classes of '78 and '79. I graduated in '79 and have a morbid curiosity about some of my former classmates. I never got information on any of the reunions...My e-mail address is dobrien131@msn.com or dobrien131@aol.com.