Looking For Information
My name is Alveta Ewell, formerly Alveta Williams. I am currently an anchorwoman at WAVY-TV in
Portsmouth, Virginia and I am a 1975 graduate of Great Bridge High School. I am extremely
inpressed with this website and would like to help any way I can to obtain more information if you
need it. I still have my old high school years books from 1973, 74 and 75. My sister, Argretta
Williams probably also has her year books, since she graduated in 1980. And our mother Dorothy
Williams(recently deceased) still have several year books from the past since she was a guidance
director for Great Bridge Middle School for many years. I would love to know more about the
whereabouts of my classmates. I can be reached at alvetanatal@yahoo.com.
Again, thanks for providing such a memorable website. It means a lot that we have not been
forgotten, no matter how long ago we attended GBHS. There is still so much school pride and
always will be.
Will there be a reunion for the GBHS class of 1975? It is not listed on your chart. My brother,
Robert Olson, graduated that year and we would like him to attend his reunion if there is one.
Robert's e-mail address is: robert.olson@anthem.com
Thank you!
Katz (class of '77)