Looking For Information
I am trying to find Pam Love. If you have a way to get in touch with her I would appreciate that info.
I wanted to thank her for something she did for me a long time ago. I don't know if she even knew it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.
George Zartman
Hi Bryan,
I meant to update to you when I asked my husband, Greg Immler, who also went to GB, about Pam Martin. He informed me that
I am confusing her with Pam Love. So I thought again, and I have to correct my response to say that yes, I do remember Pam
Martin, and yes, she is sweet, smart and gorgeous, and I still hope she is happy in Sarasota, but she is in the class of 1973
as her sister thinks (not 1972). I remember Pam Martin because I knew Kathy Boucher, and her sister Theresa. Kathy and Pam
were good friends. Sorry about the mix-up. I don't understand why Pam's picture is not placed with those for her class at GB, but maybe she was just absent that day :)
Greg (Immler) also sends his condolences to the family members of our deceased classmates and wishes to add that he was a
good friend of ChucK Mamoudis, in addition to the others I mentioned, and that he is very sad to hear of his passing.
Can you post this as a correction? Again, sorry about the mix-up! Thanks for running this site!
Linda Immler
Hi Bryan,
I came across this site and was horrified to learn of the many people I knew at GBS who are now
deceased. My heart goes out to Donald Strohecker's wife and to the many loved ones of Phil Smith,
Marion Scarborough, and Stanley Lancaster, the three of whom I knew personally. They were all great guys! What a terrible loss.
To Debbie Martin, sister of Pam Martin, who wrote in your Class of 1973 News site (I think it was!), your sister was in the Class
of 1972. Do not worry, we will not forget her, as she was (and probably still is) sweet, smart, and gorgeous! I hope she is happy
in Sarasota, even though she has a teenager :)
Linda (Furman) Immler
Class of 1972
Jacksonville, FL
Hi... thanks for the Great Bridge High WebPages... very nice.
I'm from the class of 72' and VERY INTERESTED in hearing from friends and classmates from that
year and others in the same years close by. I visit Chesapeake at least 2 times a year to see my
family that still live off Mt Pleasant Rd. The City sure has grown!! When I was younger we could
ride our horses on Mt Pleasant for 3 miles to get to the nearest store, now there is a Hardees
there and a bank, with a Food Lion and McD's across the St. Military Circle was just Built and we
all walked many a mile around that mall profiling and checking out each other. The Scope in
Virginia Beach was the place to be for all the top bands and I saw them all, Led Zepplin,
Frank Zappa, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Oak Arkansaw... so many and the price of a ticket was $7.00!
I would love to hear from a few of the fellows I dated in the past.... Steve Parker... yummy! and
Greg Curling.. oh my God. My best Girlfriend, Jamie Horn (who married Russell Johnston I believe)...
are you still around!! Write Me.
Anyway.. To all from the Past, All the Best and I hope Time Has been good to you! I think of those
days often and Miss you all!
Donna Ostiguy (Manfredi)
http://www.concentric.net/~Ruby My webpage!