Looking For Information
Can you please include 1962 on your
link page. We are going to have a reunion on October 24, 2015 and would like to let others know. This will
be a join reunion with 1960 and 1961. Thank you.
Mary Lou Hammond Morris
I'm sending you our reunion flyer for Class of '60, '61 and '62 (I'm in charge of 1962). This flyer was mailed
out today to everyone I could find addresses for but there are many I cannot locate. I'm also including a list
of names of people who cannot be located. If anyone has information about any of these people, I would appreciate
it very much if that information could be passed on to either Edward W. Taylor, Judy Bodnar Taylor at
edjudytaylor@cox.net or me at marilu0002@yahoo.net.
We would like to invite as many people as possible.
Mary Lou Hammond Morris
I am looking for Benny or Robert Stewart. They lived in Hickory. Robert played the tubs.
Robert was Class of 59 or 60.............pretty sure it was 59.
Pat Mock
Do you have and information as to when the class of 1960 might be having a class reunion?
Thanks for any information you can find.
Thanks for your time.
William "Ben" Basnight
Tampa, Florida
I attended GB from 7th grade (1954 to graduation 1960). I still live in GB. I have photos from past reunions and several annuals (some for sale). I also have a book that lists most graduates back to the 1920's. The library in GB has most of the annuals back to the 1950's. If I can be of help let me know, stubsmith@aol.com Stuart B. Smith