Welcome Great Bridge High School Wildcats

Welcome Great Bridge High School Class of 1958

Looking For Information

Anyone have any information on a class reunion for the class or have any contact information for that? Please let me know, I have someone interested.

I am looking for Benny or Robert Stewart. They lived in Hickory. Robert played the tubs. Robert was Class of 59 or 60.............pretty sure it was 59.
Pat Mock

HOWDY FOLKS --- I moved away from the INDIAN RIVER area to TEXAS before finishing my senior year at GREAT BRIDGE in 1958 and would very much like to find out how everyone I knew in the graduating classes of 1957, '58 & '59 is doing (that's of course presumes anyone remembers who the heck i am (or was?)
I live in a semi-retired fashion at present in the TEXAS HILL COUNTRY (just outside AUSTIN) with my wife, CAROL, however, we continue to own a business in SAN DESTIN, FLORIDA ,which, i expect we will sell sometime this year and fully retire so CAROL can finish spending the remainder of our retirement funds on our grandbabies.
Sure would like to hear from anyone who remembers me --------- PLEASE.
Thanks much, Ray Casper art.music@earthlink.net